This is Uonuma
The five typical feature of Uonuma city.
Beautiful Nature in Uonuma city
84% of land is forest
84% of Uonuma city is covered by forest which produce rich water and clean air.
Uonuma = foods
Safty foods
Uonuma city is famous for the testy rice Uonuma-san Koshihikari but other vegitables produced by rich water are is famous for its tasty rice.
Sightseeing in Uonuma city
Ishikawa Uncho Art
Ishikawa Uncho who named the Michelangelo of Japan lived in the turbulent periof of Japan from the end of Edo period to Meiji period. He left behind a lots of sculptures in Uonuma city.
Uonuma people
Mutual help
Uonuma people have lived in deep snow country and it needs mutual help to survive. The mutual help mind still exist in Uonuma people and kind to others today.
Uonuma people loves nudle
Soba road and Ramen map
There are many nudle shops in Uonuma city. Uonuma people loves nudle. Every nudle shop keeps high stadard taste. Soba map and Ramen map are very popular.
Let's Visit Oze Route since 2020-07-20 /
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